Drop in workshop time to work on your cosplay, be it prop, or costume
Cosplay is a portmanteau of "Costume Play" where one creates a costume of a character from a show, anime, game, book, etc. The Sandbox is open for you to work on your cosplay or props. This is a drop in program to come use the space and some of the sandbox tools to complete your project.
Materials/tools available:
Heat Gun
Hot Glue Gun
Sewing Machine & thread
News paper
Paper Mache
If you have questions or to make sure something is set up for you please e-mail knelson@zblibrary.org
AGE GROUP: | Teens Grades 6th ? 12th |
EVENT TYPE: | Teen Services Event | Passive | Life Skills | Hands-On | Arts & Crafts |
TAGS: | zbteens | sandbox | grades 6-12 |
The Zion-Benton Public Library serving the communities of Zion, Beach Park, and Winthrop Harbor.