Register 10 Seats Remaining
This two-day course is held on a Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:00AM to 2:00PM.
This two-day course is held on a Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:00AM to 2:00PM. It is designed for motorists age 50 and older. However, it is open to and beneficial for licensed drivers of any age. There are no driving requirements or graded tests. AARP members pay $20.00 and non-members pay $25.00. This class is open to everyone, but Illinois guarantees a discount on insurance. Wisconsin does not. Only Illinois laws related to the topics are discussed.
AGE GROUP: | Adults |
EVENT TYPE: | Seniors | Partner Program | Non-passive | Informational | Hands-On | Adult Services Event |
The Zion-Benton Public Library serving the communities of Zion, Beach Park, and Winthrop Harbor.